Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wuthering Heights. Feature film. (1992, 105 mins) IMDB
guess I expected more from this story. I haven't read the novel it's based on, but I realize it's a well known novel with many film adaptations. A love story with a tragedy. Think ROMEO & JUILET.

I'm not sure what to say about the film, about this story.
It's a story involving two people who love each other but who can't be together. It reminds me of the setup in LOVE IN A TIME OF CHOLERA. Similar idea. They can't be together first because of their social status, then because she marries someone else and finally because she dies young.
It's also a bookend movie. Opening scene during a dark, stormy night then back in time until we catch up with the where we started.
I was confused because Binoche plays the love interest and her daughter. It didn't seem possible she died because she was in the opening scenes. She was still alive as the actress playing two roles. Dark hair versus light. We don't automatically think a woman with different hair colour as being a different character, but that's the message.
I suppose a great deal has been written about Heathcliff. He's like no other character I've seen or read about. Moody. Violent. Passionate. Carrying. A mixture of competing emotions and behaviours. I suppose that's what makes him interesting, you never know what he will do. And you don't.
At times we support him because he's been treated poorly and at times we're appalled at his behaviour. His vicious ways towards other people. Beating women. Holding them captive. How does he get away with it?
The name of the film and novel describes an estate somewhere in a dreary part of England. There was a certain gothic feel to the location and film. Uninviting. A place devoid of joy and people. Odd feeling.
It's not a film I need or want to see again.
Posted 2009/01/28 at 04h12ET in Movie Commentary.
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