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Cardio and weights (6.0150)

...eighteen days in a row...


y exercise routine continues to change based on new information. For example on Monday, after seven days in a row of leg lunges and leg squats, I woke up to an aching pain in the top of my knees. Nothing painful, just enough to let me know they were there. A few bends of my leg and the ache was gone. I think I know what is happening and it's nothing too serious. Age is creeping up and knees tend to take a punishment over the years. There is nothing wrong with my form, it's simply too much use. As a result I decided to stop doing leg lunges and squats. That was Monday and Tuesday. I should have got back to it yesterday since it was a none cardio day but only realized it afterwards. Today was a cardio day, 30 minutes on the elliptical machine so it didn't make any sense to me to do any today. Tomorrow I will. In the future I won't do 630 reps of leg squats during one week, especially not every single day. The same for 1260 leg lunges. That's a lot of bending on the knees. but how many times did I bend my knees doing 15 mins on the stepmill, three or four times a week? Not sure. And 90 minutes on the treadmill? It's not the first time I've felt this pain, but it's rare. That's the good news. The bad news, as you age, it'll be less rare and there's not a great deal you can do to prevent it and stay physically fit.

And another change. In the last few weeks I've drastically increased the amount of exercising I've done. The emphasis was on bicep curls and stomach crunches and legs. I've mentioned the legs with some negative side effects. No ill effects on the arms or stomach. There is however noticeably more definition and that's a good thing. On Tuesday I started applying the same technique (lots of reps with light weights) for the chest press which works the chest and triceps. I expect it should work as well. We shall see.

The best part is I hit 90.5 KG again today. That's my recent new low. I hope to see 89 something in a week or so. My target weight is between 80 and 85. I will get there.

Note: Weight amount refers to a free-weight for one hand.

Stomach Crunches on Swiss Ball: 40 reps x 9 sets with 3KG medicine ball.

Bicep Curls on Swiss Ball: 9kg x 20 reps x 9 sets.

Chest Press on Swiss Ball: 9kg x 30 reps x 9 sets.

No Leg Lunges.

No Squats

Posted 2009/06/11 at 21h17ET in Exercise.


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