Monday, June 1, 2009
Nothing Sacred. Feature film. (1937, 77 mins) IMDB
arole Lombard would be near the top of my list of favourite actresses. Charming. Enchanting. Endearing. Funny. What is probably not known about her is the fact she could act. She wasn't limited to comedy. She had range, but wasn't able to use it. Sadly she died too young. What did we miss out on? A great deal I would say.

NOTHING SACRED is a romantic comedy with an emphasis on comedy. Physical comedy. Pratfalls and fist fights and slapstick. It was fun to watch because we don't see a film loaded with it as in this film. Any of today's film that try to do it fail because they take it too far or maybe the actors can't pull it off. It looks easy, but like dancing on ice skates, it's far from easy.
Lombard is a young woman living in a small Vermont town. Word reaches NYC she is dying from barium or radium poisoning. A desperate reporter wants to reclaim his tarnished name and goes after this woman. He knows there's a story, a legitimate, tear-jerking story. If he gets it, he'll be back on top.
It's not easy. No one in town trusts these big city reporters. It's complicated by the fact, the local doctor who diagnosed her is a drunk and screwed up. She's not dying, but he doesn't know that. Few people know and the secret hangs like the sword of Damocles over the rest of the story.
Once our reporter meets up with our love interest, he convinces her to come to NYC where she becomes the toast of the town. The brave woman facing death.
As required, they fall in love and marry.
As required, a solution is sought to avoid public embarrassment. The mayor, the editor and others concoct a new story where they all mourn the death of her and hold a funeral while the newlyweds honeymoon in the South Pacific. Everybody gets to go home a winner.
Posted 2009/06/01 at 21h11ET in Movie Commentary.
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