Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Feature film. (2003, 102 mins) IMDB
he guitar player is back at it. This time there's no mistaken identity.
He's wanted by the CIA to help with a coup or to stop a coup. It's never very clear to me, but it doesn't matter. The plot is oh so involved with many players. There's the president and his back-stabbing advisor. There's the CIA. The FBI. The drug cartel and fractions within it. There's also the Mexican army and a certain General. And of course there's El Mariachi and his men.
The plot doesn't matter. It's an excuse to put action sequences on screen. In this case it's scenes where our hero is attacked and out numbered and he has to shot his way out of every situation. Bullets fly like rice on a wedding day. It's guns and guns and more guns.
The most interesting aspect of this film? The making of it. Many of the things done on screen were done digitally. Special effects shots. The film was shot with a digital camera which made it easier and cheaper to digitally enhance the film.
Posted 2009/06/02 at 20h50ET in Movie Commentary.
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