Sunday, April 12, 2009
Day Night Day Night. Feature film. (2006, 94 mins) IMDB
young woman arrives in a city where a man picks her up and drives her to a hotel room. She waits until she is contacted by other men. She has agreed to be a suicide bomber.
The film spends its entire time following and watching this woman. Watching as she waits in the hotel room, as she bathes, as she walks Manhattan streets with her backpack full of explosives. The result is a movie short on dialogue.
We don't learn a great deal about this women. We don't understand her motives.
Before I watched the film, I assumed it took place in the Middle East and I was surprised to see it was happening in the US. It mimics the real-world Palestinian bombers.
If we don't learn a great deal about the suicide bomber, we learn even less about the men orchestrating the plan. They wear black hoods and speak with North American accents. It's all done in English, not Arabic.
The film's third act follows her as she walks Manhattan streets near Time Square. She's looking for the perfect spot to push the button. Nervous, she pisses her pants and runs to a washroom.
When it comes time to push the button, she does and it doesn't go off. What happens after that? We don't know.
Posted 2009/04/12 at 18h05ET in Movie Commentary.
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