Sunday, April 12, 2009
High Society. Feature film. (1956, 111 mins) IMDB
ake a hit play and make it into a movie. Oh. The play's already been made into a movie. Did it make money? It did. THE PHILADELPHIA STORY is a classic. In that case, let's do it again, but this time let's change the location to Rhode Island and we'll throw in some music. We'll get Cole Porter to write some songs. We'll get Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra, no less, to sing them and for immense beauty on screen, we'll get Grace Kelly. Should be a smash. People'll eat it up.
Try and see if you can get Louis Armstrong. We really want to play up the musical angle on the film.
And that's HIGH SOCIETY.
As far as remake goes, it's well done and works, but the emphasis really is on the music. The story line seems to fade into the background.
Posted 2009/04/12 at 18h08ET in Movie Commentary.
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