Thursday, February 5, 2009
or various reasons I get to the gym every day. I say every day because I know if I start making excuses, it won't be everyday. It'll be six then five then four days a week and eventually I'll put weight back on.
In the past three years I have averaged six days a week. It'd be higher if I didn't miss a day here and there. It happens. Holidays. Injuries. Illness. Plus a few days where I'm just plain tired and book off with an excuse. It's these excuse days I want to avoid.
Until this Tuesday I had been to the gym everyday for 32 straight days. I was keeping my long-term average at 5.99 d/w and I wanted to get back to 6 or higher without rounding. I was getting close and then a bug hit. I stayed home on Wednesday and didn't exercise today. Two days in a row missed. My average dropped to 5.98 d/w. Ugh!
I can't get down on myself because the best thing to do was to avoid exercise. Let the body heal and recover. Still I wanted that average back up. I'll take a few weeks where I'm at 6.00 and can relax about missing a day here or there.
Posted 2009/02/05 at 15h48ET in Exercise.
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