Tuesday, March 3, 2009
rom time to time I run into computer troubles. I know enough about computers to solve the problem, but not always, and the solution is usually found with a web search. I haven't been contributing to the body of knowledge because the solutions are already out there. Yesterday I discovered an answer that didn't exist (at least I couldn't find it) so I decided to document it and put it on my web site. Writing it took on a life of its own, that's another story, and I needed a new category: Computers.
To do that I changed the RightNav file by adding code for a link to Computers under the Category listing. Plus add the category to the database. It takes a minute or two. Seamless change.
It's not the first time I've changed it. A new month came on Sunday. More changes. Links for Movies watched in March. March Archives. I'm up to version 12 for this one file in this year. There maybe a better solution, but it works for now.
It was during the changes I clicked on to something unusual. March 1st was a Sunday. February 1st was a Sunday. Two months in a row with Friday the 13th. That can't happen very often, but since the calendar repeats, it must happen at predictable intervals like solar eclipses or passing comets.
Posted 2009/03/03 at 23h51ET in JamesPiper.com.
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